Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cord of firewood?

A cord of firewood is the standard measurement used to break down how much wood you will be receiving. A standard cord measures out as 4ft x 4 ft x 8ft or 128 cubic feet of stacked firewood. A loose cord of firewood should occupy an area of approximately 180 cubic feet. A cord can be split into the common increments of ¼, 1/3 and ½ cords.

What is a face cord?

A face cord of firewood is a common term in the firewood industry that means 1/3 of a cord. This term can also be referred to as a “bush cord.”

What is the difference between inexpensive firewood and expensive firewood?

The most common difference if the overall burn time and how much heat the wood releases, commonly referred to as BTU’s. The more heat and longer burn time creates a higher BTU. Birch for example is a dense hardwood and will burn significantly hotter and longer than other softwoods such as pine, spruce and poplar. The density of the firewood is an important factor, as softwoods tend to pop and crackle more due to air pockets and moisture inside the wood. Firewood such as birch produces less ash and residue, making it ideal for indoor use and cooking. Some firewood produces less smoke and give off a pleasant aroma. All these considerations factor into the price of individual species of firewood.

How does the wood get to me?

We utilize two different delivery methods:

For our large loose loads of a ½ cord or full cord we utilize our 14’ dump trailer. A full cord fills the dump trailer, with the ½ cord being half the trailer full.

For ¼ cord and 1/3 cord bags we utilize our Sterling Bullet picker truck. The picker crane can extend to 20 feet making it possible for us to drop the bag right over your fence, or into those hard-to-reach places.

What size of wood will I receive?

We utilize a firewood processor, so the majority of the wood will be split and cut to 16” in length. Depending on the size of the logs there will a mix of smaller and larger width pieces.

What does seasoned firewood mean?

Seasoned means that the firewood has been left out in the sun to dry naturally and not put through an artificial drying process, such as kiln.

What is the optimal moisture for wood?

A firewood with a moisture content between 10-20% is most efficient and optimal for burning. A moisture content a little higher or lower is fine, but not perfect.

What is the best wood for spatial or indoor heating?

Birch firewood is the best wood for spatial and indoor heating due to its high heat and slow burn. Birch allows for optimal heating while using less wood, making it very cost-effective. It also creates less ash (creosote) residue making cleanup easier for your fireplace.

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